Well I finally made it - on June 8 2006, I had my launch party and great fun it was too. There are some pics below and an account of the day.
Even my butler came...
Go on, you know you want one!
I've sold a book!
I filled Ottakars, woo!!
Dawnie, you're in my book!
Having felt totally chilled on Wednesday it all went to pot on Wednesday night. Mainly because some idiot at the local council had authorised roadworks in the middle of the night. Monday and Tuesday had been bad enough with lorries beeping loudly as they reversed up the road, but on Wednesday the worst was yet to come. At around ten pm they produced a pneumatic drill. And this, dear reader, was not just any pneumatic drill, it was a great huge F-off pneumatic drill to end all pneumatic drills. I kid you not, when I say the house was shaking... As it was quite apparent we weren't going to get any sleep, my solution was to sink as much red wine as possible. The downside was, as Dave pointed out more then once, we did have to get up in the morning...
At some point in our evening, I decided I ought to write my speech, which probably wasn't the best idea I've ever had... especially as Dave picked me up on every "erm". Still, I felt fairly relaxed as I knew I had alot to say. When I woke up on Thursday with a thumping headache, all I could see was an indecipherable squiggle. I decided to practise it out loud while I cleared away the breakfast things. Half an hour later I decided that I had rather too much to say, but my brain was too addled to work out how to pare it down. I decided a run was in order to clear my head, but first I had to do last minute twiddles to the online launch party.
By the time that was sorted I was an hour later then I wanted to be, so instead of a forty minute leisurely jaunt, I went for a twenty minute tempo run. Maybe not such a good idea in the heat, but halfway round I worked out a much better way of doing my speech...
Once I'd showered it was off to Majestic to pick up some booze and some spare glasses, then a mad dash into Ottakar's to drop everything off, before I picked my youngest up from nursery. One day I will learn to leave myself enough time for things. As it was I didn't get to Ottakars till 11.30 leaving me twenty minutes till pick up time. I was pondering on the way in how I was going to get all the stuff out of my car, when I spotted a Waitrose trolley. Bingo!
So I parked the car, precariously loaded the trolley with three boxes of books, two boxes of wine, some fruit juice and twenty-five glasses (which I had to replace if I broke any) and I was on my way. All was going swimmingly till I came to the entrance of the shopping centre where there was a rather inconvenient slope. At this point my trolley took on a life of its own and whizzed down the slope, with me frantically keeping hold of everything. Having visions of books liberally doused in red wine, I was relieved when we reached the bottom with no more mishaps...
Then it was back to nursery - I was late - and on to pick up my darling mil whose birthday it was. Darling mil being rather aged, and having to walk with the aid of a zimmer on wheels, taking her anywhere can be a rather slow process, and she wanted to go for lunch at a lovely pub on the downs. Which would have been great on a normal day, but today...
I was also mindful of the time I took her and fil out on her birthday several years ago. I was heavily pregnant at the time and in charge of a four year old and a two year old. As we got up to leave my outlaws stood up and both fell over. They blamed each other, naturally, saying one had tugged one way, the other the other way. Upshot of it was that poor old fil broke his hip. So now I am ever conscious of how easily these things can happen. And as mil will insist on getting in and out of the car without help, to say I got a little fraught, is probably putting it mildly....
Fortunately no mishaps occurred this time, and I was able to deposit her safely back, before dashing home to check emails and then off out for the school pick up. I got the kids home, had a quick shower and change, then dashed back into town and took them to McDonald's, and raced round buying mil a birthday present, as I hadn't had time before. My second daughter, who is the drama queen in our house went round the shopping centre telling everyone I was famous till I threatened to dock her pocket money for the rest of her life.
I got to Ottakars early and my Super Organized Friend Jackie (who features in the book) came to help set up. Ginia then helpfully pitched up in time to take the children to the toilet and buy mil some flowers. There was a nervous three-quarters of an hour or so, when I thought no one was going to come, but by about six o'clock people had started arriving. The first was a chap I'd never met before, but he writes for a running mag, and very decently bought a copy of the book to review.
Pretty soon the bookshop was humming with chatter, and I was signing copies like there was no tomorrow. It was great. Made me feel like a film star...
One of my friends turned up in her running gear - she literally dropped in in the middle of a run, which was very appropriate. Several brought their children who ran riot around the shop, which must have added to the stress levels of the poor girl at the till, but she was very patient.
A couple of ex work colleagues also pitched up, which was great and there was a sizeable contingent from our local, most of whom have probably never been in a bookshop in their lives.
I managed to deliver my speech just before seven - I had to hang on for Dave who was detained at work, and this time he didn't mention the erms... - and then everyone had a good old natter before it was time, rather regretfully to leave.
We finally staggered out at about 7.45 - only to discover in a moment of sublime twinly incompetence, both Ginia and I had lost our parking tickets...
Tickets found we went home to raise a glass to mil, with various members of both families.
The party was a great success, I sold 38 copies, and would do it all again tomorrow.
I was so exhausted I should have slept the sleep of the dead, but at 11pm they started drilling again...
With many thanks to all who came, and particularly to Clare and Catherine at Ottakars who worked so hard to make it a success.