Friday, May 04, 2007

And the Winner is....

.... Rivergirlie with this very funny account of doing a half marathon Sun Walk.

Ok so it's not a running story - but I did the half marathon power walk last year in Bristol, the sunwalk - raising money for breast cancer charities.this is the poor relation of the playtex moonwalk and, like it's sibling,demands that all participants wear a decorated bra for the duration.

I walked with a team of about 11 friends. we sort of trained together, but not very assiduously. after all, walking 13 miles isn't that much of a stretch, but in terms of ability and fitness, Iwas very much the middle of the pack. How, then, did I come to finish first in my group, and by quite a large margin?

Rewind to the bit about decorated bras. Now, despite the fact that I was educated by nuns, I'm really not that gifted with the needle. in fact, Ivebeen known to turn up hems using staples and the one time I sewed my daughter's brownie badges on her sash, people congratulated me for having let her do it herself. I'd sooner throw out a shirt than sew on a button. Sorry sister Berchmanns, but that's the way it is.

Anyway, as you'll can see from the picture, the team decided on a hawaiian theme. grass skirt, flowers in hair, and little fabric flowers tob e sewn - yes, sewn onto bra. Problem. I simply couldn't be arsed to do it.I could see staples probably weren't a good idea, so I went along to a haberdashers (we still have those in Stratford) and bought some fabric glue. Problem solved. My bra was resplendent. I was good to go.But one thing i hadn't counted on was rain. oh, and sweat too. And the effect of damp on fabric glue...

Well, Im sure you can imagine. by halfway round the course, autumn had come early and my bra was rapidly defoliating. A little trail of fabric flowers bedecked the pavement behind me and I was now, basically, walking the streets in my (damp and therefore transparent) undies.

It's amazing, you know, the burst of speed that walking around a major city with your tits out can bring. I zoomed past the other contestants. I was a blur of speed - at least I bloody well hope Iwas. cos the faster I got round that course, the sooner I could get back to my car and get a t-shirt on.

And that, my dears, is how I came to walk the half marathon in the fastest time of my team. I can't say Ii'd recommend it, but if you're trying to shavea few minutes off here and there, it might be worth a try.

I've got half abottle of fabric glue i won't be using again if anyone wants to have a go.xxxx

I'd also like to give an honourable mention to Zinnia Cyclamen for this hilarious gymbased tale so she's getting a copy of my book too....

I'm not much of a runner but I am a regular gym-goer. Not many strange things happen in the gym; mostly people come in, do their stuff, maybe exchange a few words, and go away again. People are lost in their own little worlds of effort and relaxation, pain and endorphins, working to the inevitable pop/rock soundtrack with the occasional grunt or groan.

One day I was on a cross-trainer, working away, vaguely aware of the hum of the bikes behind me and the thump of feet on the treadmills in front, not thinking about anything much. And I heard a conversation begin between two men on exercise bikes. I love eavesdropping, so I tried to tune them in and everything else out.

And this is along the lines of what I heard (can't remember word for word of course), said in deadpan voices:

'Look, there's fog up ahead.'
'Better slow down, then.''Going far?'
'Just along the towpath for a while, then back through town.'
'The boats are nice to look at, aren't they?'
'Ah. Wouldn't want to live on one, though.'
'No, too small. That your dog?''Yes, he likes a run out.'
'Nice. Good breed.'
'Intelligent. You going far yourself?'
'Just into town for a few bits and pieces.

Well done, girls, and thanks to everyone who entered ... Mad Twin, I'm sure I should have made up a rule about family not counting or something...

Thanks also to everyone who came to the party, and hope to host another one here some other time. Maybe when Pastures New comes out...

In the meantime normal service will resume on this blog, and I'll be back to telling you all about my triathlon experiences.

I may NEARLY be ready to have a go at one. Toying with a women's only at Dorney Lake in Eton, but
a) I've never swum in a lake and have Issues
b) I don't own a wetsuit
c)It's the same weekend as I'm doing Race for Life with the sprogs.

Which segues me neatly into that.

I and a group of mums, and two of the children will be running Race for Life on behalf of Cancer Research on Epsom Downs on 1 July.

We have a fundraising page at:

if anyone feels like donating, but please don't feel obliged!

Oh... and as everyone enjoyed my Wed Em Bed Em Shed Em game, I've been talking about Sex and Dr Who over on the other blog and Kate wanted a Dr Who version, I will be obliging there shortly...

So do come and play, why don't you!