These Days are Made for Running...
It's a fine autumnal day here. Windy, and cold, but bright and sunny too. Perfect running weather, and much more seasonal then the odd global warming induced days then we have been having. Mind you, if global warming is happening, I can't say I mind too much, though it does mean the grass needs cutting. And isn't it just mealy-mouthed of our politicians to talk about taxing us because the sun is shining more? But that's Gordy for you. Never miss an opportunity to screw the people....
Anyway, I digress.
Last week being half term I didn't get much training in. I was going to go running with Mad Twin when we met last week, but alas three bottles of wine and a late night later, we both decided to give it a miss. I wish I could live a parallel life where I could indulge in all the wine drinking I want and then step across the void (ok, ok I have been watching Dr Who on DVD) into my parallel clean living life, where I wake up next morning without the hangover...
I did manage to get out to a running session with one of our local running groups. I can't normally go as it starts at 7pm and that's when the oldest goes to Guides. I have, inconveniently, had far too many children to allow me to train properly. Funnily enough, training for triathlons/marathons wasn't on my mind when I was having them...
After my debacle on Epsom Common in the summer, I have to confess to being rather nervous about this session, as I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. My Speedy Gonzales running partner, assured me I would be fine, and it turned out she was right.
We jogged about half a mile to a flat bit of road where there was a nice (flat) circular 1000m route, which we had to run four times.
First off, I miraculously found myself on the coat tails of the fast runners (a very unusual place for me to be) and managed to do it in 5:27, which was quite astonishing.
Even more astonishing this meant when we were split into two groups I was with the fast one. Ha. Me, fast? I don't think so...
We then had to do 2000 m on the trot, which really sorts the wheat from the chaff. First off I managed 5:46 - so I had gone out waaaay too fast first time around and by the time I was coming back for round two my legs were turning to lead. I was at the back of the fast group by a really long way, but I was overtaking some of the slow ones, which was a novel position for me.
My third lap was a fairly disastrous (but probably more realistic for me) 6:11.
So last time out, I politely declined the opportunity to go with the fast ones, and set off where I belong, with the slow runners.
Here I had another novel experience, I was one of the fastest of the slow lot. I nearly caught up with the leader at one point, but couldn't sustain the pace, so fell back. But I did come second, and was only caught by one of the fast ones. Wooo!!
My pace this time was 5:55. Double Woo!! In theory I could do a 10k in 55 mins on that speed. In practice I doubt very much I could keep it up.
However, it was a nice feeling not to be at the back of the pack for a change. And I came away thinking, perhaps I'm getting better at this.
Swimming is definitely getting better. I seemed to find myself leading there last night too. Though in fairness, most of the other people haven't been coming as long as me, and one was clearly much fitter then I am, but hadn't been for ages.
Still, I think I did about 40+ lengths, I can now swim lengths breathing every third stroke relatively easily (breathing every fifth is a bit more tricky and last night thanks to a slight cold I struggled a bit), but when I compare it to how I was when I started, it seems frankly miraculous. I do get knackered, but it is rare now for me to pause between lengths. Friendly Instructor even uttered the immortal words, when you are competing. What do you mean, when?? Although I still can't imagine I will ever be good enough, the dream doesn't seem quite so crazy anymore.
Memo to self - must get the bike mended...
This morning I had a glorious run across the downs. The sun was that steely bright that sums up this time of year, and the wind at my back certainly made me feel I was upping the pace. I did just over 3miles in 34 mins, which is slower then the other week with Speedy, but I did run up to the downs, my legs were fairly tired from swimming and I really wasn't pushing myself.
Memo to self - next time push harder....
Even if I don't get to do the marathon next year, I'm rediscovering why I fell in love with running in the first place.
And maybe that tri isn't quite so elusive anymore...